Week 7, 10, 11 and 13 lecture notes available.
I would appreciate anyone who took brilliant notes of Guest lectures to please send me them.

. They have to be better than mine.

Hi everyone,
Below is a basic overview of the exam. This is pretty mich what
it's going to look like, and as you can see you have five main areas you
can choose from for the second part. However, if you can think of another
area which should be included, feel free to email me with a suggestion and
I'll consider it.

- Mark


First Part - 10 short answer questions, each worth 1 percent. You'll have a
choice of 15 possible questions covering the entire course. Most of the
questions will come from the lectures, although there will be a couple
based solely on specific readings. Answers should be two to three sentences


Second part - 2 short essay questions, out of a possible 5 choices. Each
essay will be worth 17.5 percent, and should be between 750 and 1000 words
in length. The general topics are as follows:

1. Government regulation versus self-regulation.
2. Policy and technological change.
3. The ABA's roles and responsibilities.
4. Community Broadcasting versus other forms.
5. Pay TV.

The exam will be handed out at the end of the final lecture, (October 29)
and will be due by 5 pm the following Friday (November 5). Exams are to be
handed to me personally, and I'll be in my office from 8:30 am-5:00pm on
that day. Extensions will be difficult to get, and will have to be
supported by documentary evidence.


Mark J. Finn
Associate Lecturer
School of Film, Media and Cultural Studies
Griffith University
Nathan, Qld, 4111.

Room: 2.44, Level 2 Humanities Building
Phone: 3875 7434
Mobile: 0412 248 150


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