Week Seven
Community Media: The State Of Play.

1) Community Media In Australia

2) Community Media: the Pros

3) Community Media: The Cons.

4) The Roles and Responsibilities of Community Media

  1. - Provide their services in the public interest as defined in the
    licensee's application to the licencing authority.
  2. - Have organised mechanisms to provide for active participation by the
    community in its management, development and operations.
  3. - Be controlled and operated by an autonomous body which is representative
    of the licensee's community.
  4. - Operate on a non-profit basis.
  5. - Demonstrate independence in their programming as well as in their
    editorial and management decisions.
  6. - Incorporate programming policies which oppose and attempt to break down
    prejudice on the basis of race, sex, nationality, religion, disability,
    ethnic background, age or sexual preference.
  7. - Establish programming practices which protect children from harmful
    program material.
  8. - Present programs which contribute to expanding the variety of viewpoints
    broadcast in Australia, and enhance the diversity of programming choices
    available to the public.
  9. - Seek to widen the community's involvement in broadcasting.

5) Who is Responsible for Community Media?

6) The Community Broadcasting Foundation.

7) The Impact of New Technology


Mark J. Finn
Associate Lecturer
School of Film, Media and Cultural Studies
Griffith University
Nathan, Qld, 4111.

Email: m.finn@mailbox.gu.edu.au
Room: 2.44, Level 2 Humanities Building
Phone: 3875 7434
Mobile: 0412 248 150