On-line Services

1) What Are On-line Services


2) Differences From Traditional Media

3) Problems With Regulation


4) The ABA’s Response

5) The Fallout.

  1. - A complaints mechanism to be administered by the ABA
  2. - An incorporation of online content under existing guidelines
    produced by the OFLC.
  3. - The ABA would be given powers to issue notices to service providers
    regarding content hosted in Australia or sourced from overseas. The ISP
    must take reasonable steps” to prevent access if “technically and
    commercially feasible”.
  4. - A graduated scale of sanctions against service providers if notices
    are not complied with.
  5. - A community advisory body will be established to monitor material
    and operate a hotline.
  6. - An attempt to homogenise state and territory offence provisions.

Mark J. Finn
Associate Lecturer
School of Film, Media and Cultural Studies
Griffith University
Nathan, Qld, 4111.

Email: m.finn@mailbox.gu.edu.au
Room: 2.44, Level 2 Humanities Building
Phone: 3875 7434
Mobile: 0412 248 150